Between Client projects, Angelo Kostaris & his crew work on the Kostaris home on an ongoing basis.
This project has been on going for the past 29 years. When My crew and I have a brake between projects, I design an add-on, to my home and I execute it. I have designed and built most of my home, landscaping out doors, and the pool area. I very much enjoy working with all materials and plants with my hands ! I hope the photos will provide you with some design ideas for your future project.
Angelo Kostaris March 2017
Angelo Kostaris has breaks between projects, and when he does, there’s always an area in his home and garden that can be improved! Angelo has added 2500 sq. ft. to his home and has landscaped over two acres around the homes perimeter. Angelo looks for an area that he would like to improve & starts designing that space whether its the inside or outside of the house or the garden area. Once a design is chosen, Angelo waits for the time to bring his design to life, when he and his crew have a break, in-between client project.
Angelo has been working on his home for 29 years now and the photos below are his accomplishments.